Ferrand Spence
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The unequal match, or, The life of Mary of Anjou Queen of Majorca an historical novel. (1683)
The history of Gustavus Adolphus, surnamed the Great, King of Sueden with the life and reign of his successor after Christina, Carolus Gustavus, Count ... out of French by Ferrand Spence ... (1689)
Anekdota eterouiaka, or, The secret history of the house of Medicis written originally by that fam'd historian, the Sieur de Varillas; made English by Ferrand Spence. (1686)
The unequal match, or, The life of Mary of Anjou Queen of Majorca an historical novel. (1681)
Miscellanea, or, Various discourses upon 1. tragedy, 2. comedy, 3. the Italian & 4. The English comedy, 5. and operas ... together with Epicurus, his ... by the Sieur de Saint Euvremont (1686)
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